Get Involved

Your Next Steps

Become A Member

Becoming a member means that you become connected to the body of believers that you associate yourself with. Membership means community, covenant & caring.

I Want To Take The Next Step

Great! Click below to fill out a membership form, or find one of our connection team members at a Sunday Experience!

Become A Member!

Join A Small Group

Small groups at Flow Church are an easy yet effective way to get connected even further! You will grow in your faith, get connected, find purpose and have fun!

I Want To Join A Small Group

Great! Click below to find the list of small groups currently offered by Flow Church!

Get Connected!

Join A Team

Joining a team means you get to connect with the people we see every day. You get to use the gifts and talents God has given you. Find an area you are interested in today!

I Want To Serve

Great! The first step is to go through our "Flow Track" process, which will introduce you to who we are, how we operate, and how you can serve...

Visit Flow Track!


© 2017 | Flow Church